Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Online Dictionaries

Anyone found anything better than the zKorean dictionary online? There must be something out there which is a little better than this and doesn't demand premium payments for relatively straightforward things. 


  1. I haven't looked for a Korean online dictionary, but I do use for translating from foreign text. It also translates whole webpages if you put in the URL. Translating to Korean is possible, but not sure how reliable. For example, a commonplace phrase such as, "Take me for a trip upon your magic swirling ship", becomes:

    당신의 마술 소용돌이치는 배에 여행을 위해 저를 가지고 가십시오

    Looks good, but worryingly translate that back to English and you get:

    Travel have hazard me in the boat which you magic use pebble hits and go.

  2. Thinking about it, we could write a whole song by repeated reverse-translation of a piece of text into korean and back. By the looks of the output, we might need to get Donovan (of Jennifer Juniper fame) to sing it though.

    into chinese it becomes...


    Which isn't great.. but by reverse translating it we get the next line..

    "Adopts me to travel the ship which inconceivable circles in you."

    However, I did use to translate your output into Korean, which gave me:

    여행에는 당신이 마술 사용 자갈 명중하는 배에서 위험이 저 있고 간다.

    and then back to English, to create a rather mysterious and ominous message about how we should be living our lives:

    "To travel this magic use gravel of you there is a dangerous this writing from the boat which hits the target and goes."

    and remember to travel this magic we do need some gravel.
